
Title: Online Dispute Leads to Attempted Murder in Florida

Title: Online Dispute Leads to Attempted Murder in Florida

A disagreement between two young men online, during a competition in a video game, escalated into a crime in the United States when one of them decided to travel to kill the other. Edward Kang, 20, flew from New Jersey to Florida, stayed in a hotel, and then went to buy a hammer and flashlight before heading to his opponent's home, whose identity has not been disclosed by the police, according to CBS News.

Bill Leber, the sheriff of the county where the incident occurred, stated that the suspect entered the victim's home through the unlocked front door, went up to his room, and began hitting him with the hammer on the head. The victim started to scream, which awakened his mother's husband, who intervened to save him and called the police. Upon arrival, the police found blood covering the entrance and the victim's room.

Both the suspect and the victim were taken to the hospital, where the victim suffered serious head injuries that were not life-threatening. Edward Kang received treatment and was then jailed, where he refused to cooperate with investigators. He faces charges of attempted murder and armed burglary. The suspect justified his crime by stating that the victim was a bad person online, and expressed curiosity about how long he would be incarcerated before returning home.

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