
Title: Arrest of a Large Criminal Network in Egypt

Title: Arrest of a Large Criminal Network in Egypt

The security apparatus of the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior arrested 8 criminal elements for laundering 900 million Egyptian pounds from their drug-related criminal activities in the Dakahlia and Cairo governorates. Egyptian media reported that "the security devices of the Ministry of Interior took legal actions against the 8 criminal elements, two of whom have prior criminal records, residing in the Dakahlia and Cairo governorates."

It added that "the criminal elements laundered the money obtained from their criminal activity specialized in drug trafficking and attempted to conceal its source, giving it a legitimate appearance and portraying it as if it originated from lawful entities through (establishing commercial activities - purchasing properties, agricultural lands, and cars)."

It clarified that "these assets were valued at approximately 900 million pounds," while legal actions were taken.

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