Some men often complain about being deceived by women after marriage, mentioning different appearances after makeup is removed or alterations like fake eyelashes and colored contact lenses. However, this time the situation was reversed. A young woman, who works as a model, filed for divorce from her husband after discovering he was bald.
Attorney Noha El-Gendy stated that her client was shocked just two days into the marriage when she found out her husband was bald and had been wearing a wig secured to his head to appear fixed and natural during the engagement period. He even boasted about his soft hair, which turned out to only be a small amount.
A fight broke out between the husband, who is an engineer, and his bride after she accused him of deceit and lying. He allegedly assaulted and insulted her, according to the attorney's description.
The model left her husband's home just four days after the marriage, having requested a divorce due to his lies and mistreatment of her. However, her wait for him to agree to the divorce was prolonged, leading her to file for khula (divorce) against him at the Family Court.
Recently, the Family Court in the Fifth Settlement issued its ruling for the wife to obtain a khula from her husband, yet there has been no ruling on the case regarding the division of property as the husband continues to refuse to return her furniture and belongings.