
Impersonation of Police Officers Leads to Drug Dealer Theft in Egypt

Impersonation of Police Officers Leads to Drug Dealer Theft in Egypt

Investigations into the incident involving a drug dealer in the Dar es-Salam area of Cairo, Egypt, revealed details about the search of his residence by four individuals who stole a sum of money and jewelry while taking him to an unknown location before leaving him on the Nile Corniche. The security investigation, following the arrest of the suspects, indicated that they had impersonated police officers, using a vehicle and a radio device to steal 400,000 Egyptian pounds.

Further questioning of the suspects revealed that the victim, named "Hamam M." (also known as "Hamama"), was involved in drug trafficking and that some of the stolen items were narcotics found in his home. Investigations also uncovered a familial relation between two of the suspects and the victim, with previous dealings in drug trafficking between them.

The investigations confirmed that the victim dealt in narcotic pills and that the stolen cash and jewelry were proceeds from drug trafficking. During the investigations, Hamam stated that he obtained narcotic pills through transactions with two pharmacies, one located in the Kaimaan area of Fayoum Governorate, as reported by the website "Cairo 24".

Upon further questioning, the victim admitted to trafficking in narcotic pills and confirmed that the seized items indicated by the suspects belonged to him. He also revealed the remaining narcotics he owned, which consisted of 1,000 pills of the drug Aptrel, located in one of his apartments in the Dar es-Salam area. The suspect acknowledged that these narcotic pills, also seized upon his instruction, belonged to him and his son, adding that they had formed a criminal gang specializing in drug trafficking within Cairo and Giza. Investigations found that all the cash and jewelry in the suspects' possession were proceeds from the sale of narcotic pills.

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