
"Ansar Allah" Threatens to "Change the Game" in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

The group "Ansar Allah" (Houthis) announced on Saturday the imposition of new rules of engagement with the United States and Britain, asserting the continuation of its operations against ships of both countries in the Red and Arab Seas and the Gulf of Aden. Minister of Defense in the Houthi government, Major General Mohammed Nasser Al-Athawi, stated during the "Fath Al-Mawood" military exercise for the central military region, as reported by the "Al-Masirah" channel: "We are forcefully imposing new rules of engagement that the American, British, Zionist, and their allies will pay a heavy price for."

He added: "Yemen is capable of reclaiming its rights and dealing with an international community that respects only the strong," emphasizing that "the battle of (Fath Al-Mawood and the holy jihad) supporting (Tufan Al-Aqsa) will prevail and will inevitably lead to geopolitical changes in line with a new world order."

Al-Athawi mentioned that "the Yemenis are not advocates of war or aggressors, but the brutal crimes witnessed in Gaza have driven free nations, including Yemen, to declare their stance," considering that "Yemen's entry into the battle against the aggressive and usurping Zionist entity and its maritime blockade is not a luxury decision but a sovereign national Islamic humanitarian decision."

He confirmed the continuation of "Ansar Allah" in preventing the passage of ships linked to Israel or headed to its ports, saying: "What must be understood by everyone is that our battle with the Zionist enemy is open, just as we will continue the naval blockade of its ships."

He emphasized that "naval operations against American and British warships or commercial vessels will not cease and will persist as long as their dubious transgressions continue in Yemen's territorial waters."

Al-Athawi pledged to impose sovereignty over Yemeni territorial waters and end violations by the US and Britain, stating: "We will make Washington, London, and all those who align with them realize that sovereignty over our seas and territorial waters is one of the fundamentals that is non-negotiable."

The Minister of Defense in the "Ansar Allah" government stressed that "Yemen has become superior in its territorial waters," asserting that "there is no justification for American and British anxiety, nor is there any need to lose their nerves and mobilize fleets."

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