
Statement from the Teachers' Syndicate Regarding Exam Correction Process

Statement from the Teachers' Syndicate Regarding Exam Correction Process

The Teachers' Syndicate emphasized that while it acknowledges the teachers' rightful demands for increases in correction allowances, which have become very low, it calls on Education Minister Abbas Halabi to raise these allowances in a clear decision, in appreciation of the efforts of the correctors during this difficult period. After four years in which the Syndicate ensured that all educational entitlements were secured smoothly and without obstacles, it requests fellow teachers to promptly resume the correction process and allow the efforts made to bear the desired fruit, especially since we are aware of Minister Halabi's commitment to completing this requirement without delay, as well as his concern for the rights of the correctors and appreciation for their efforts.

The Syndicate urged the Minister of Education to move quickly to address this matter and to issue exam results on the usual schedule, so that students can enroll in universities and take entrance exams for both Lebanese and foreign universities within the set deadlines. Finally, it calls on fellow teachers in private schools to participate actively in the correction process to ensure the smooth running of this essential process as a pedagogical duty for all teachers, both in public and private sectors.

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