Researchers from Boston University and the University of Oregon in the United States have found that individuals exposed to high levels of aircraft noise are at an increased risk of obesity and heart diseases. The journal Environment International mentions that the study involved approximately 75,000 people living near major U.S. airports. In this study, researchers measured the noise levels in the homes of these individuals and collected health information. It was revealed that those exposed to aircraft noise levels significantly higher than 45 decibels were more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as obesity and increased body mass index. According to the scientists, a whisper registers at 30 decibels, while normal conversation is at 50 decibels. The researchers indicate that aircraft noise is more bothersome to people than noise from other modes of transportation. They believe that aircraft noise may heighten stress responses and disrupt sleep, leading to elevated blood pressure and, consequently, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.