
Mekari Receives Delegation from "Journalists Support Committee"

Mekari Receives Delegation from

Minister of Information in the caretaker government, Ziad Mekari, received a delegation from the "Journalists Support Committee" headed by Hassan Chaaban in his office at the ministry. Chaaban stated, "We were honored to meet with His Excellency the Minister of Information, and we thank him for his warm reception and attentive listening to what we presented." He added, "The purpose of this visit was to discuss the situation of Lebanese media, specifically concerning Lebanese journalists in terms of ensuring their freedoms, protecting them, preserving their rights, and securing everything they need."

Chaaban clarified that "the committee raised many issues and concerns that the media and journalism sector in Lebanon is experiencing during the meeting. Minister Mekari was attentive and responsive, explaining to us many of the activities and efforts made by the Ministry of Information concerning the protection and defense of the journalism profession and journalists." He further stated, "We agreed with His Excellency the Minister to provide him with a series of reports related to the state of freedoms and the crises and problems faced by journalists not only in Lebanon but across the Arab world. We hope that such meetings will continue and be fruitful in guaranteeing the freedoms and rights of journalists, as well as their security and safety."

Chaaban also addressed the issue of journalists who were killed by the Israeli war machine in the south, expressing the hope that all relevant agencies in the Lebanese state would secure everything needed for the freedom of movement of these journalists in Southern Lebanon and ensure all that protects them and provides safe and sound coverage, which guarantees the credibility of the image and the safety of these journalists. In conclusion, Chaaban thanked Minister Mekari and expressed the hope for continued meetings.

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