Head of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, stated that "Lebanon is experiencing exceptional and abnormal circumstances, and the struggle continues to achieve the desired state, with full sovereignty that holds the decision for peace and war." In an interview with "Sky News Arabic," Geagea addressed the crime of Pascal Suleiman, pointing out that it is "not new given what we have been experiencing in Lebanon in recent years." He added, "The circumstances surrounding the crime indicate that this operation is a political targeting." Geagea continued: "The investigations so far indicate that the perpetrators of the crime formed a theft gang, but those responsible for this gang have not been handed over yet; thus, our view on the matter remains unchanged." He also clarified that "we did not accuse (Hezbollah) in the assassination of Pascal Suleiman, and I went to Jbeil to control the street, while Mr. Hassan approached us because 'what is under his arm is to be blocked.'"