
# Yemen: Terrorist Attack Foiled in the Southern Shabwa Region

# Yemen: Terrorist Attack Foiled in the Southern Shabwa Region

Security sources reported that the Southern Shabwa Defense Forces thwarted a terrorist attack targeting a military site in the Al-Musayna area of the As-Suwayda district in Shabwa governorate, southeastern Yemen. The sources noted that several terrorist elements were killed and others wounded in the attack, which was carried out using light and medium weapons and explosive devices.

According to the sources, the terrorist elements targeted the "Al-Qala" site belonging to the First Shabwa Defense Brigade. The sources clarified that the terrorists infiltrated the Al-Shab Midhabi area and shelled the site with mortar and RPGs, while they had planted an explosive device on the road leading to the targeted site, resulting in the explosion of the device on a military vehicle from the brigade that was en route for reinforcement.

The sources confirmed that the terrorists fled after suffering significant losses and were unable to retrieve all the bodies of their dead. Meanwhile, the Shabwa Defense Forces cordoned off the area to secure it and pursue any remaining terrorist elements.

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