Saudi Arabia

Developments in the Case of Poisoning in Abu Arish, Saudi Arabia

Developments in the Case of Poisoning in Abu Arish, Saudi Arabia

The Saudi channel "Al-Ekhbariya" reported that the number of poisoning cases received by Abu Arish General Hospital has exceeded 100 cases over the past two days. "Al-Ekhbariya" confirmed that all those affected by the poisoning have left Abu Arish Hospital after recovering, with no new cases being reported. It was noted that some were hospitalized for only a few hours before all discharged.

The channel also mentioned that the two establishments responsible for the poisoning incidents have been closed by the Abu Arish Municipality "as a precaution" pending the completion of investigations. These establishments are two restaurants, and samples have been collected for tests and analyses to identify the source of the poisoning.

It was indicated that the poisoning cases are confined to the Abu Arish region, all patients have left the hospital, and the overall health situation is very reassuring as they have completely recovered.

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