The head of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, received the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ambassador Joanna Frontska, in Maarab following her return from New York, where she participated in the extension session for UN peacekeeping forces ("UNIFIL"). During the meeting, attended by political advisor Lisa Mohr, former minister Richard Kouyoumjian, and Mark Saad, Geagea welcomed the decision to extend "UNIFIL" and called for "building on this positivity."
He expressed that he is not pessimistic, "in light of the positive factors that have recently appeared on the horizon of Lebanon, alongside the clouds of unconstitutional proposals surrounding the presidential elections that are set to disappear." He reiterated that the solution "lies in the restoration of constitutional order and the opening of the parliament to ensure the achievement of this entitlement."
Geagea expressed his happiness "with the conviction of others regarding the necessity to open the parliament for successive electoral sessions, resulting in an actual president of the state who commits to transforming their term into a space for dialogue among Lebanese over the next six years." He emphasized that "the obstacles are not in the proposed and reformative laws currently under discussion, but rather in the authority that seeks to implement the reforms. Hence, a conviction has formed among the majority of Lebanese, led by the opposition team and the Lebanese Forces, not to pursue any superficial or cosmetic remedy, but to activate efforts to reach a serious and effective solution that leads to Lebanon's salvation."
After explaining to Frontska the circumstances and details surrounding the assassination of Elias Al-Hasrouni in "Ain Ebel," Geagea emphasized the necessity of "cooperation among all parties involved in the security of the southern region, including UNIFIL and security forces, to expedite the investigation and uncover the identities of the lethal assailants, as this is the only solution for the stability of the region and for planting peace in the hearts of the residents."
The head of the Lebanese Forces handed Frontska a copy of the joint petition signed by a group of deputies and human rights and humanitarian organizations in Lebanon and the world, which calls for including the file of Lebanese missing in Syrian prisons under the jurisdiction of the Independent Institution for Missing Persons in Syria, hoping it would be submitted to the office of the UN Secretary-General and seeking to achieve this demand that has the support of the majority of Lebanese, which in turn can uncover the fate of the missing and heal the pains and sorrows of their families.