
Title: Arrest of Wanted Individuals in the Towns of Al-Ain and Qab Elias - Beqaa

Title: Arrest of Wanted Individuals in the Towns of Al-Ain and Qab Elias - Beqaa

The Army Command - Orientation Directorate reported that "after monitoring and follow-up operations, a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate arrested the citizen (K.Q.) who was wanted on several arrest warrants, including leading a kidnapping gang for financial ransom, opening fire in the town of Al-Ain - Beqaa which resulted in the martyrdom of one military personnel on 31/10/2019, and transporting ammunition and military weapons." It added in a statement: "A military patrol also raided the homes of several wanted individuals in the town of Qab Elias - Beqaa, where 8 citizens and one Syrian were arrested for opening fire with military weapons." Investigations with the detainees have commenced under the supervision of the competent judiciary.

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