The Supreme Judicial Council announced that "in its desire to clarify the facts, without engaging in disputes that would deprive their initiators of what they seek in contributions aimed at entrenching the rule of law and justice, and distancing itself from the language of accusations and threats, and from responding to unjustified statements directed at the judiciary and judges, and in preserving what they consider shared wills aimed at ensuring the operation of the justice facility and preventing its halt, it confirms the following:
1. The judges' forced suspension from work was not a choice, but a reality imposed on them, amid the failure to approve the law on the independence of the judiciary and the deterioration of their living and material conditions, which have become entirely unacceptable, in addition to the decline in health and educational benefits, and the courts' lack of essential and necessary equipment.
2. The end of judges' forced suspension from work is linked to a number of matters, the foremost of which is the clear will to approve the law on the independence of the judiciary, correct the material situation of judges to a presumed and fixed minimum, and provide the necessary essential equipment to ensure the continuation of court operations.
3. Despite the failure to achieve the aforementioned matters, work in the courts has not completely ceased; rather, the Supreme Judicial Council has requested judges to continue judicial work to resolve humanitarian, necessary, and urgent cases within the available capabilities, believing in the necessity of ensuring the continuity of the justice facility even in the most difficult and severe circumstances. Lebanese judges have responded to this request, hoping for the relevant authorities to support this positive aspect.
4. The Supreme Judicial Council, which has sworn to uphold the dignity of the judiciary and judges, is fully aware of the unprecedented suffering followed by exceptional resilience from judges despite all the abuses and threats they have faced. It also acknowledges judges' commitment to justice and the rights and dignity of litigants, does not allow any interference in the judiciary or any assault on judges, and considers such matters unacceptable, rejected, and contrary to what an independent constitutional authority represents.
What has been presented above is the foundation upon which final and stable solutions are to be built, which we all seek, namely achieving an independent judiciary and establishing the rule of law and justice."