
Washington and Paris: Elections Are the Responsibility of Lebanese People

Washington and Paris: Elections Are the Responsibility of Lebanese People

Reliable sources have revealed information indicating that Paris, alongside discussions of a tripartite American-French-Saudi meeting in the French capital, may launch a serious initiative towards Lebanon in the foreseeable future. This includes direct engagement through visits by French envoys to Beirut, which may occur before or after the tripartite meeting.

In that context, "Al-Jumhuriya" inquired with diplomatic sources in the French capital regarding this information, and they stated: Paris views the developments in Lebanon with great concern, particularly regarding the serious repercussions stemming from the difficult economic crisis, the paralysis of institutions in Lebanon, and the unbearable vacancy in the presidency. The responsibility of the Lebanese people in electing a president is highlighted, which would initiate the Lebanese state on a path of rescue and reforms with a responsible government committed to all requirements of recovery and revitalization.

The sources pointed out that President Emmanuel Macron approaches the Lebanese file with exceptional responsibility and priority, and the Élysée's decision is that it will not abandon Lebanon, a sentiment President Macron expresses in all forums and with all international levels, particularly with the United States and Saudi Arabia. Consequently, Paris, as it always has, will remain present vigorously and directly, alongside Lebanon, providing full support to ensure its stability and spare the Lebanese people from tragedies and hardships.

The sources emphasized that the French presence, whether in the form of visits to Beirut or meetings in Paris or elsewhere, does not absolve the Lebanese from the primary responsibility of creating a consensus environment to complete the presidential election. Lebanon's situation, as the facts indicate, is experiencing increasing suffering and numerous difficulties. While the international community has its role and responsibility, the primary role and responsibility lie with the Lebanese in alleviating these hardships and addressing them by restructuring their state and its constitutional institutions, primarily the presidency.

Moreover, the French stance appears to be in harmony with the American position regarding placing the primary responsibility on the Lebanese to reorganize their internal affairs. In this context, ministerial sources revealed the atmosphere of discussions held in the American capital regarding the Lebanese file, stating to "Al-Jumhuriya": What we heard from American officials, specifically in the U.S. State Department, was consistent with the traditional U.S. administration stance, which underscores the urgency for the Lebanese to elect a president and form a government that organizes rapid reforms and begins a broad process to combat corruption, achieving the Lebanese people's aspirations to exit the crisis.

The sources noted that Washington, contrary to all promotions within Lebanon, confirmed through these officials that it wishes to see the parliament performing its role in electing a president without any delay that would negatively affect the general situation in Lebanon. Thus, it does not endorse any presidential candidate, as this matter is determined by the Lebanese themselves in selecting their president, and it is not inclined to exert pressure in any direction.

The sources concluded by stating that the Americans express unease regarding the situation in Lebanon, quoting a U.S. State Department official as saying: "The Lebanese must fulfill their roles and promptly address their obligations; they must quickly move to elect a president, or else they will face great ruin."

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