
Riots Target Argentine Embassy: What Is Happening? (Video)

Riots Target Argentine Embassy: What Is Happening? (Video)

Hundreds of demonstrators attempted to storm the Argentine embassy in Caracas, where a group of Venezuelan opposition figures is hiding, according to State Duma Deputy Alexei Volotskov. Volotskov, a member of the Russian election observer delegation in the country, stated: "Next to the Russian embassy, hundreds of demonstrators tried to break into the Argentine embassy due to the presence of Venezuelan opposition members inside; they likely wanted to see them." He added: "The situation has stabilized for about an hour; we could hear people gathering and trying to bring the opposition members out."

Venezuelans rallied from surrounding neighborhoods to protect the Argentine embassy in Caracas to prevent Maduro's forces from entering, while police forces pulled back.

On the other hand, demonstrators tore down and burned a statue of former president Hugo Chávez in the central square of La Guaira, a state adjacent to Caracas. Additionally, protesters set up barricades in the streets and burned trash containers and tires.

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