The new political council of the "Free Patriotic Movement" held its first meeting after the election of 6 new members, chaired by the head of the movement, MP Gebran Bassil. According to a statement, the council discussed "the political and economic conditions in the country" and supported the movement's leader's proposal regarding the presidential election, emphasizing the need to agree on a work program for the new term, starting from presidential priorities and agreeing on a president capable of implementing this program with support from most blocs.

The council clearly defined "the major political orientations of the movement, especially regarding the priority of stopping the vacuum and electing a president who embodies, in cooperation with the government and parliament, the qualifications to put the program into action; anything less would place the movement in a position of resistance against the entire system."

It also addressed the "serious disintegration of state institutions, the latest being the judicial body," considering that "the release of those unjustly detained is a rightful demand, but it is not enough; the fundamental issue remains uncovering the truth behind the port explosion and holding the perpetrators accountable while healing the wounds of the victims' families."

Furthermore, the council noted the "difficult living conditions and the risks of security instability due to the programmed release of the dollar, which could lead to chaos," urging the "caretaker government to fulfill its duties in protecting people and their money and to stop the central bank governor's manipulation, rather than wasting time violating the constitution and charter and inventing illegal and unsound means."

It highlighted the "collusion with the central bank governor, who is wanted by justice, whose circulars resemble imperial decrees, confirming that he is the actual financial ruler controlling the country and its people."

The council called on "the Lebanese people to prepare for a true, conscious uprising against anyone who dismantles the structure of the state, including its judiciary, finances, and institutions," emphasizing that "the movement will remain loyal to its sovereign struggle history, defending people's rights to expose the perpetrators of crimes, whether in the port explosion or in the theft of depositors' funds, and to hold them accountable."

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