
Marriage Center Facilitates the Search for a Life Partner!

Marriage Center Facilitates the Search for a Life Partner!

The search for a life partner has seemingly become an almost impossible task for many Moroccan youth, leading them to seek the services of a marriage center or agency to assist them in finding their desired companion according to their specifications and conditions. The center, located in a prestigious neighborhood of the capital Rabat and with four branches in Casablanca, offers a modern take on matchmaking services for those looking to marry, having been established nine years ago.

This marriage agency, the first of its kind in Morocco, employs 12 specialists and experts in relationship development (matchmakers) whose goal is to help individuals choose their life partners. In this context, the marriage expert and director of the "Marriage Center" branch in Rabat, Hassna Al-Idrissi, revealed that the idea to create this center arose in 2015 after recognizing the urgent need among youth to find life partners and their expressions of disappointment in this quest, which led to the concept of establishing the agency.

She stated, "Our task begins with documenting the files of each individual, where we request their identification documents and conduct an interview at the center, ensuring the validity of their intentions and the accuracy of the information they provided. Then we record the specifications they seek in a life partner."

Al-Idrissi continued in her conversation with "Al-Arabiya": "After this phase, we present suggestions to the registrant, and when a match occurs, we arrange a meeting between both parties at the center. Following this meeting, the close follow-up phase begins."

Al-Idrissi affirmed that the experts ensure the registrant is genuinely searching for a life partner, with marriage as the objective rather than casual interactions. Consequently, discussions between the parties revolve around this noble goal. She added, "Our presence with both parties during initial meetings creates an atmosphere of mutual trust, especially with a focus on maintaining the confidentiality of the information shared by the registrants."

Regarding the difference between marriage applications and the role of the center, Al-Idrissi emphasized that "the distinction is significant, especially concerning the preservation of the privacy and confidentiality of personal information, as well as photos and more—unlike applications that provide access to all information without verifying its authenticity or the identities of the individuals involved. In contrast, the experts at the Marriage Agency work to ensure the accuracy of this information up close, which guarantees the comfort and trust of the registrants."

While the center ensures the confidentiality of the information and protects the privacy of the registrants, it does not guarantee a success rate for the marriages facilitated through it. However, its director stated that the success rate of these marriages remains very high, with the center credited for approximately 120 marriage cases per year and countless engagement cases, while the current number of registrants has reached 400,000 and continues to grow daily.

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