
Title: Sami Gemayel's Strong Attack on "Hezbollah": We Refuse to Drag Lebanon into Destruction

Title: Sami Gemayel's Strong Attack on

The President of the "Phalanges" party, Sami Gemayel, stated today, Tuesday, that "we have become accustomed to political and electronic attacks, and the message has been received." After a meeting with the party's cadres, he said: "We will not change anything in our positions or principles, nor in our defense of our country. We refuse to allow anyone to decide our future for us, and we reject dragging Lebanon and others into destruction, and pulling Lebanon into this war."

Gemayel noted, "We refuse to let Hezbollah decide the future and destruction of all Lebanese." He clarified that "all of Hezbollah's statements confirm it supports the Gaza front, claiming it was unaware of the operations on October 7, and it will not accept negotiations or a solution as long as the bombardment continues on Gaza, which means that Hezbollah is tying itself to Hamas."

He argued, "Hezbollah decides for all of us what happens in the south, which means it has not only linked Lebanon to itself, but also tied us to Hamas, and the future of the Lebanese is now linked to Hamas. This means we have to wait to see what will happen between Hamas and Israel to know our destiny."

Gemayel stated, "We are with the children and the right of any oppressed nation to live with dignity, but destroying our country is another matter. It is our duty to defend the oppressed, but not to the extent of destroying our country." He added, "We support the establishment of a Palestinian state, but we will not accept the destruction of our country for the sake of any country in the world."

He pointed out that "we want a strong state, a stable country, genuine partnership, and equality in decision-making and self-determination." He continued, "We want a country with one army, not two, with one foreign policy based on a culture of life and a decent living. Our great crime is when we demanded that everyone live in peace, with a strong economy, and that our money not be locked in banks while export doors close, and we become subject to sanctions causing our country to be destroyed every ten years."

He added, "Some honorable MPs amended the government's budget draft," considering that "the impudence of the illegitimate forces pushes them to open their institutions alongside the legitimate ones."

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