
Secrets of Newspapers Published on Wednesday, 08-03-2023

Secrets of Newspapers Published on Wednesday, 08-03-2023


- A political source denied to his visitors what is being circulated about an agreement to redistribute first-class jobs starting from the temporary appointment in the General Directorate of General Security.

- Clinics of psychologists are experiencing an unprecedented influx, which is linked to economic and social crises affecting a large segment of the Lebanese population.

- It was learned that the son of a presidential candidate is meeting with several political references and leaders away from the spotlight to clarify his father's political positions and motives for his candidacy.

- It was revealed that the number of weapon licenses obtained by the army leadership from the current Minister of Defense’s office reached about 1,800, while it did not exceed a third during Minister Zeina Akar’s time.


- Relevant circles concerning a sensitive entitlement expect a swift move to complete this entitlement, but the negatives are numerous and significant.

- An economic advisor to a senior official confirmed that no measures could seriously curb the dollar unless accompanied by a political solution and structural reforms to stop the digging deeper into the abyss.

- Christian figures are undertaking a European tour where they meet with party leaders and personalities concerned with Lebanon and its Christians.


- The shares of a former reference residing abroad have returned to the forefront of interest, starting from assigning him a pivotal role following the presidential elections.

- The dollar exchange rates for calculating the price of goods in supermarket boxes vary between 79,000 L.L. and 80,100 L.L. per dollar, with fractions calculated in favor of the seller.

- There remains a "parliamentary entourage" surrounding a senior official who lacks the slightest information or conception of what could happen presidentially in the coming month or two.

**Nidaa Al-Watan**

- It is reported that a public argument took place between two ministers during an external visit, stemming from one of them delivering greetings from a political reference to the hosting official, but the latter responded somewhat coldly to the greetings, leading to the dispute.

- Minister of Health Firas Al-Abyad directed harsh criticisms towards a syndicate linked to his ministry due to the protest behavior of the syndicate.

- Some MPs are seeking with the Minister of Education to replace the "Broufieh" certificate with official certificates on the grounds that students in public schools were unable to complete their academic year due to strikes.


- A parliamentary source stated that the presidential scene is encapsulated by the loss of supporters for Michel Moawad’s candidacy for the blocking third and the impossibility of a constitutional amendment for General Joseph Aoun's candidacy, while supporters of Sleiman Frangieh’s candidacy are seeking to secure a majority for election and two-thirds for quorum, while opponents aim to secure a candidate behind whom they can guarantee the blocking third.

- The parliamentary source noted that the candidate Sleiman Frangieh is a natural candidate as he is one of the four natural candidates in the presidential meetings in Bkerki and is supported by President Saad Hariri and former MP Walid Jumblatt with the backing of France and Saudi Arabia, in addition to the support he receives from a diverse parliamentary group that guarantees at least the blocking third, while the council can accommodate only two obstructions.


- The municipal election entitlement will necessarily require a passage through the Parliament, and even obtaining funding from a donor will require a legislative session.

- The campaign being directed against a national institution is clearly part of managing the phase and its obligations.

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