
Suleiman Frangieh: Everyone Realizes That There Can Be No President Without the Approval of the Resistance

Suleiman Frangieh: Everyone Realizes That There Can Be No President Without the Approval of the Resistance

Suleiman Frangieh, head of the "Marda" movement, affirmed that respecting the constitution is a duty and cannot be treated arbitrarily or according to personal interests as some do. He expressed his wish for presidential elections to occur today rather than tomorrow, emphasizing the need for a candidate with a history in political and national work, whose positions are known, and who is not merely nominated to obstruct the process. During his meeting with the head of the Lebanese Journalists' Syndicate, Joseph Kassaifi, who visited him in Bnachii with a delegation as part of a tour to hear the opinions and aspirations of various stakeholders, Frangieh pointed out that "since 2005 my name has been proposed for the presidency, and therefore the Shia duo has not nominated me but rather supports my candidacy. It is not permissible to disregard the fifty-one votes, which means that there are fifteen Christian deputies who voted for me and support me. As for my position regarding the resistance, it is neither new nor does it change according to circumstances or deadlines. Everyone knows that in 2016 I could have reached the presidency, but I did not accept, and I do not regret that. I had informed French President Francois Hollande at that time that I would not go to the council except hand in hand with former President Michel Aoun."

In response to the rejection of his candidacy by two Christian factions, Frangieh said: "The problem is that I exist. They disagree on everything yet unite against me; the fundamental question is: Are they afraid of a successful president? He pointed out that President Aoun came to power with a parliamentary majority but governed for six years without consensus." Regarding his approach to the system, he stated: "I am in favor of the Taif Agreement, and any discussion about existing gaps should be addressed through consensus. We hope to reach a comprehensive national vision that includes foreign and defense policy, restoring the state's prestige, reforming the economy, and respecting the laws."

When asked about any American or Saudi veto against his name, he clarified that there is no such veto, and the American ambassador has publicly stated, "If I come to power, they will cooperate with me." He emphasized that everyone knows there can be no president without the approval of the resistance, and some are covertly trying to present their credentials. Frangieh reiterated his rejection of all forms of division, considering any talk of partition or federalism as populist rhetoric, asserting that this country can only be one. The national project is the biggest winner, and any separatist, whether Christian or Muslim, is unworthy of responsibility. "No one can outdo us; we have preserved the Christians with arms and agreements and have stood firm against all challenges. We are nationalist Arab Christians who believe in the unity of Lebanon and coexistence. We are with the resistance and against Israel, and if some consider that a crime, I see it as an added value."

Regarding the remarks attributed to Speaker Nabih Berri about withdrawing his support for his candidacy, Frangieh noted that some are trying to create a rift within his political line, and Berri stood by him when everyone abandoned him in 2016.

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