
Title: Egypt: Thief Electrocuted While Attempting to Steal from Power Transformer

Title: Egypt: Thief Electrocuted While Attempting to Steal from Power Transformer

In the Talaat Harb area of the city of Mahalla al-Kubra in the Gharbia Governorate, northern Egypt, a thief was electrocuted while attempting to steal from an electrical transformer. Immediately, a security force from the first Mahalla police department, along with the emergency police and ambulance services, rushed to the scene. They discovered the charred and decomposed body of a 45-year-old man, who had been electrocuted while trying to steal the contents of the power room.

He was found with a mobile phone and a knife, and upon investigation, it was revealed that he had a criminal record and was known to the department. The body was transported to the Mahalla al-Kubra morgue, and a report on the incident was filed. Authorities ordered an urgent inquiry into the incident, questioning eyewitnesses, and appointing forensic experts to determine the cause of death, while also contacting the family in preparation for burial permits.

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