
Do "Meats" Help Extend Lifespan?


A new research paper has revealed that consuming meats may extend your life and help you live to be 100 years old, adding evidence to the growing importance of meats in the diet. The research team studied the diets of 5,200 individuals, including 1,500 centenarians, from across China. The study, published in JAMA Network Open, found that people who followed a more varied weekly diet, including meats, were 23% more likely to live to be one hundred years or older. This adds to other evidence, including an Australian research paper from 2022 on meat consumption and life expectancy by country, which found that life expectancy is higher in countries that consume, on average, a lot of meat.

Meats are an excellent source of muscle-building protein and a range of essential nutrients, including Vitamin B12, which the body uses to help extract energy from food and maintain healthy blood cells. Experts say that meats are a rich source of iron, which helps red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body.

However, researchers warn of the risks associated with overconsumption of meats, especially red meats, as previous studies have linked daily portions of red meat with an increased risk of colon cancer. Separate studies have also linked red meat consumption to a higher risk of heart disease and strokes. Researchers emphasize the importance of also consuming vegetables, carbohydrates, and whole grains, as they contain essential fibers and nutrients for the body, such as magnesium. Many agree that a balanced diet, including meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables, is the best way to ensure a long and healthy life.

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