
Headlines from Newspapers Issued Today, Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Headlines from Newspapers Issued Today, Wednesday, March 15, 2023


As a result of the "reconciliation" between Defense Minister Maurice Slim and Army Commander Joseph Aoun, Aoun recently retracted measures previously taken to prevent Slim's visitors from parking in the ministry's grounds and returned to maintaining Slim’s convoy vehicles at the military's expense. Discussions continue regarding the decisions that caused the crisis, pertaining to appointments in the General Inspectorate and the Legal Department of the Ministry of Defense, as well as suspending appointments in the military court. There has not yet been any internal memorandum from the Army Commander canceling the memo that considered the pass issued by the Intelligence Directorate as a weapon possession permit. After members of the National Moderation Bloc showed enthusiasm for electing MP Sleiman Franjieh, they subsequently placed themselves at the disposal of the "Saudi decision," linking their position on Franjieh to Riyadh's approval. While the positions of MPs Ahmad al-Khair and Saji Attieh are understandable, the position of MP Walid Baareini is surprising, as he has been classified since the last elections as closer to the Marada Movement than to any other political faction. Several members of the parliament are moving towards filing a legal complaint against the Association of Banks after Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab confirmed that the association submitted an official letter to the parliament containing incorrect information that could lead to the approval of erroneous legislation. MP Nehmat Efran's announcement of his candidacy for the presidency "if saving the country requires it" received no response from close or distant allies, as Efran’s allies from the Kataeb Party and MP Michel Moawad chose not to comment, leaving Efran's campaign perplexed and without additional steps.


A political source stated that a dialogue conference opening discussions on a national political economic revival plan under the Taif Agreement would provide a vision and work program for the next government, making the agreement on naming the president and prime minister less difficult, where the president’s role would be to oversee consensuses and the prime minister to implement the program. A diplomatic source dismissed the possibility of Washington taking security actions inside Saudi Arabia or the region in response to the tripartite Chinese-Iranian-Saudi agreement, out of fear that it could disrupt the smooth flow of energy from the Middle East and lead Saudi Arabia into chaos, thus diminishing the ability to guarantee oil resources.


Private school administrations are considering fully dollarizing tuition fees for the next school year to meet teachers' demands and cover essential expenses, according to directors. It is noted that a political leader's visit to a Gulf country aims to support a hospital and obtain assistance from businessmen close to him. The recent conflict between two prominent clubs took on political and sectarian dimensions, leading to insults against certain national symbols. There is a significant decline in market activity and the absence of traffic in most streets, alongside the closure of many shops in various areas, connected to the financial and economic collapse. It has also been noted that the repeated meetings of a major country's ambassador with a parliamentary reference are related to their agreement on the ambassador’s role in aligning with the referenced authority.


Statements by an international official reveal the shortcomings of a key service ministry in addressing a long-awaited vital issue. A political reference has postponed a step that was supposed to be taken in the past few days.


Commenting on a significant regional event, a senior politician remarked: "May God protect us from what’s coming next." It appears that a team is clearly and publicly supporting a specific candidate and has not lost hope in uniting this candidate with a parliamentary bloc leader who strongly opposes his nomination. An influential parliamentary bloc is preparing to draft legislation regarding a public conduct for a very popular financial figure.


Efforts are underway, although not closely followed, for arrangements regarding a session to interrogate the Governor of the Central Bank if he appears at the Palace of Justice today. A statement by a central figure has muddled the "numerical calculations" concerning the presidency if a Christian agreement occurs regarding a slate of candidates. Malicious individuals have exploited education transfer funds to support teachers and contractors in primary, secondary, and vocational education, manipulating names of non-teachers for them to collect on the O.M.T.

**Nidaa al-Watan**

Political sources do not rule out that Gebran Bassil may announce his candidacy at some stage of the presidential tug-of-war to complicate the process and position himself as a kingmaker. A delegation from the "Federationists," who advocate for federalism, is expected to meet a delegation from Hezbollah to discuss the group's proposals for a Lebanese formula. It is known that the visit of the Aounist delegation to Bkerke to request the division of municipal elections in Beirut was supported by documents about significant corruption in the current and previous municipal councils.

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