
Title: Disaster Management Unit in Tyre: Number of Displaced Exceeds 23,000

Title: Disaster Management Unit in Tyre: Number of Displaced Exceeds 23,000

The Disaster Management Unit in the Union of Municipalities of Tyre issued a statement today, Saturday, regarding the number of registered displaced individuals in the unit's operations room, which has exceeded 23,000. The unit is working with official entities and international organizations to secure their needs according to the available resources and funding. The statement praised the South Lebanon Council for its efforts in addressing the displaced crisis and providing food rations to all displaced families for the second time since the onset of the war, in addition to constantly supplying mattresses, baby formula, and hygiene essentials. It was noted that the "increase in the number of displaced individuals came after the Israeli enemy expanded its attacks on the southern villages, which necessitates that everyone bear responsibility towards citizens, alleviate their suffering, and maintain their dignity."

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