
After Quran Recitation... "Dancing Reciter" Summoned for Investigation

After Quran Recitation...

The Egyptian Readers' Syndicate has decided to summon reciter Hisham Samir Antar for an investigation session at the syndicate's headquarters, following a video circulating in recent days where he was "dancing" during the recitation of the Holy Quran.

In detail, the Egyptian Readers' Syndicate confirmed the summons for Antar after a video emerged from a condolence gathering a few days ago in Qatur, in the Gharbia Governorate, where he violated the rules of recitation and appeared to be "dancing" in a manner inappropriate alongside the Holy Book.

The video of Sheikh Hisham Samir Antar reading the Quran and swaying has sparked widespread debate on social media platforms in Egypt.

Sheikh Mohamed Hashad, the head of the Readers' Syndicate in Egypt, said, "This is the second incident involving Hisham Samir Antar in which he is seen violating the rules of recitation, with the first being two years ago." He pointed out that "a criminal lawsuit will be filed against Hisham Samir Antar on charges of contempt of the Quran, as he has only been deterred by being brought before the public prosecution."

In 2022, the Readers' Syndicate filed a lawsuit against reciter Hisham Samir Antar due to mistakes he made and his failure to adhere to the recitation rules, before he took the initiative to apologize and pledge not to repeat the errors.

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