Saudi Arabia

250 Umbrellas Designed Specifically for the Prophet's Mosque

250 Umbrellas Designed Specifically for the Prophet's Mosque

The shading project for the courtyards of the Prophet's Mosque is one of the most significant initiatives undertaken by the Kingdom to care for guests and visitors of the mosque. The project includes 250 movable umbrellas that have been specially designed for the Prophet's Mosque and installed in the surrounding courtyards in all four directions, aiming to provide comfort and reassurance for visitors, as well as protection for worshippers from heat, sunlight, and the risk of slipping or falling during rain.

The umbrellas were constructed according to several requirements and quality standards to meet all needs, with specific structural specifications that provide high resistance to wind, fire, and rain, as well as stability in the type of fabric and materials used in their execution and their sandy color, which allows light penetration and protects the designs and decorations painted on each umbrella.

Each umbrella consists of two interlocking parts, one above the other, which equalize when closed, measuring approximately 25.5 meters by 25.5 meters, with a height of about 22 meters and a weight of approximately 40 tons. They operate with an automated system that opens the umbrella at sunrise and closes it before sunset. The umbrella's components include arms covered with fiberglass reinforced with mosaic decorations, and were designed using high-efficiency materials including gold-plated copper.

The structure of the umbrella consists of a cylinder containing the operating unit, eight upper supports, eight lower supports, eight internal and central arms, as well as diagonal arms and supportive arms, ensuring smooth movement for opening and closing the umbrella through a flexible automated system.

The umbrellas also feature 436 misting fans installed on their sides to help cool the atmosphere and reduce temperature, in addition to having over 1,000 lighting units on the umbrellas of the Prophet's Mosque. Each umbrella can accommodate more than 900 worshippers, with a total capacity of over 228,000 worshippers across all umbrellas of the Prophet's Mosque.

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