
Title: Drug Trafficker Arrested in Beirut

Title: Drug Trafficker Arrested in Beirut

The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces - Public Relations Division announced in a statement that "as part of the daily follow-up conducted by the Internal Security Forces to curb drug trafficking and promotion operations in various Lebanese areas, information was obtained regarding an unknown individual receiving quantities of drugs from a dealer in the Bekaa region and promoting them in Beirut to several clients.

As a result, specialized units began their field and inquiry procedures to uncover the identity of the mentioned trafficker. Following thorough investigations and inquiries, the Information Branch was able to identify him as K. M. (born in 1996, Lebanese). He has a criminal history involving drug-related offenses, attempted murder, gunfire, motorcycle theft, attempted theft, robbery, possession of weapons and ammunition, forgery and use of forged documents, and using false or different identity. He is a former prisoner for drug trafficking and promotion.

On August 30, 2023, after careful surveillance, one of the branch patrols arrested him in the Ras Al-Nabaa area while he was riding a black and blue motorcycle without plates, which was seized. Upon searching him and the motorcycle, the following was found:

- 19 nylon bags, each containing plastic plugs with cocaine and hashish.

- 13 nylon bags, each containing hashish.

- 5 nylon bags, each containing marijuana.

In a search of his home, two counterfeit $100 bills were seized. During interrogation, he confessed to the charges against him regarding drug promotion to several clients, adding that he obtains drugs from a dealer residing in the Bekaa region, who provides and delivers them through an employee. He also admitted to using drugs such as hashish, cocaine, and marijuana. Legal action was taken against him, and he has been remanded with the seized items to the relevant authority as per judicial instructions, and efforts are ongoing to arrest other accomplices.

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