
Internet Tariffs for "Ogero" Between 420,000 L.L. and 7 Million L.L.

Internet Tariffs for

A decree has been approved to increase the tariffs for fixed-line communications and internet services at the Ogero Authority by sevenfold. Consequently, the minimum package cost for subscribers through Ogero will now be 420,000 Lebanese Lira, while the maximum package price will reach 7 million Lira.

According to the new pricing, the prices will be as follows:

- The 80 GB package will rise from 60,000 L.L. to 420,000 L.L.

- The 100 GB package will rise from 90,000 L.L. to 630,000 L.L.

- The 160 GB package will rise from 145,000 L.L. to 1,000,000 L.L.

- The 200 GB package will rise from 180,000 L.L. to 1,250,000 L.L.

- The 300 GB package will rise from 250,000 L.L. to 1,750,000 L.L.

- The 400 GB package will rise from 300,000 L.L. to 2,100,000 L.L.

- The 500 GB package will rise from 350,000 L.L. to 2,450,000 L.L.

- The 800 GB package will rise from 400,000 L.L. to 2,800,000 L.L.

- The 1000 GB package will rise from 500,000 L.L. to 3,500,000 L.L.

- The 1500 GB package will rise from 750,000 L.L. to 5,250,000 L.L.

- The 2000 GB package will rise from 900,000 L.L. to 6,300,000 L.L.

- The 300 GB HDSL package will rise from 250,000 L.L. to 1,750,000 L.L.

Regarding the open packages, they will now be as follows:

- The open package up to 50 Mbps speed will rise from 325,000 L.L. to 2,250,000 L.L.

- The open package up to 6 Mbps speed will rise from 180,000 L.L. to 1,250,000 L.L.

- The open package up to 8 Mbps speed will rise from 250,000 L.L. to 1,750,000 L.L.

- The fixed-speed open package (Nx2Mbps – Committed) will now be 4 million L.L.

- The fixed-speed open package (Nx2Mbps – Dedicated Premium) will now be 7 million L.L.

As for the fixed line, the tariff has now become a fixed 200,000 L.L., along with 1,000 free minutes.

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