
The Dar al-Fatwa: The Economy is Not Well, and We Must Accelerate the Election of a President

The Dar al-Fatwa: The Economy is Not Well, and We Must Accelerate the Election of a President

Mufti Deryan also met with Minister of Economy and Trade in the caretaker government, Amin Salam, who stated after the meeting: "We are with His Eminence and are guided by his opinion and wisdom on many issues we face as ministers or politicians in positions of responsibility. As many know, the country is going through difficult circumstances and numerous challenges." He continued: "We commend his significant and national efforts regarding the election of the President of the Republic, as he has spared no effort in affirming national constants and supporting the deputies of the Sunni community, who, in turn, do not delay in completing the national entitlement. We all hope for a swift election of the President of the Republic today, and there should be no vacancy in essential positions, and we must all expedite the election of a President to achieve all reform laws. We thank His Eminence for all his efforts and wish him all success, and we will be by his side for anything he needs."

When asked: Is the economic situation good? he said: "This is a big question, and in truth, we have accustomed people to honesty, and things are not good. Everyone knows that the private sector is good and there is some movement in the country, but we cannot say the economy is well because the public sector, which represents a significant workforce and management in the country, is paralyzed and collapsed. Public sector employees are in a regrettable situation, and the banking sector is also paralyzed. Therefore, we cannot speak of economic improvement or that it is good before there is serious movement in approving the necessary laws, regardless of the path of the Recovery Fund. There are reform laws needed, and the banking sector must operate; before this stage, we are in a state of danger. There is no improvement, and today we face problems with no progress, improvement, or breakthroughs before carrying out reforms and reactivating constitutional institutions, particularly concerning banks. We cannot manage the economy of the country without the banks."

When told: From your words, do we understand that things are getting worse? he replied: "If we continue on the same path without reform steps and activating the required administrations and constitutional positions, then of course, we can expect worse."

Regarding what is being said about lifting subsidies on the bread bundle, he pointed out, "This news is misleading, and there are people who want to create a kind of tension in the country. There has been no lifting of subsidies for a year, nor is there one today. The IMF loan continues, and wheat is still arriving in Lebanon, and according to reports, the price of the bread bundle is the cheapest today in Arab and Middle Eastern countries, so we want to maintain it and extend the duration of this loan and work to ensure that we can provide bread for the people as much as possible."

The Mufti of the Republic also met with MP Mohammad Suleiman at the head of a delegation from the Arab tribes from various regions. Following the meeting, Suleiman said: "We must begin the election of a president who enjoys the consensus of all, collaborating with our brothers and Arab allies. We also thanked His Eminence for his continuous efforts in renouncing strife and preserving civil peace in all areas, especially in Khaldeh, and his keenness to avoid falling into any sedition in all Lebanese regions."

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