
Biden: The United States Stands by Israel, and What Hamas Did is Terrorism

Biden: The United States Stands by Israel, and What Hamas Did is Terrorism

U.S. President Joe Biden revealed yesterday, Tuesday, that 14 Americans were killed in the Hamas attack against Israel, and that others are currently being held hostage by the armed group in Gaza. In a speech from the White House regarding the attack on Israel, Biden stated, "Thousands of civilians were killed in this brutal operation, including 14 Americans. Mothers and fathers tried to protect their children, entire families were killed, and others were shot while attending a peace concert; thousands were injured," adding that "this shock will never go away".

He continued, "There are many families still waiting to hear news about their loved ones; they do not know whether they have been killed or taken hostage, and Hamas now threatens to execute them, violating every law and every shred of humanity." Biden stated, "Now we know that there are American citizens being held hostage by Hamas, and I have asked my team to share intelligence across the government and consult with our Israeli partners because, as President, I have no priority greater than the safety of Americans held hostage around the world."

The White House had announced, on Monday, that 11 Americans were killed in the attacks carried out by Hamas. The U.S. President described Hamas's actions as terrorism "that reminds us of the worst that ISIS has done," considering that "this attack brought painful memories and scars resulting from anti-Semitism and the massacres faced by the Jewish people." He added, "There is no justification or excuse for terrorism. Hamas does not stand for the right of the Palestinian people to dignity and self-determination. Its goal is to kill the Jewish people and it has used Palestinian civilians as human shields, offering nothing but bloodshed regardless of the price paid."

Biden reiterated that the United States stands by Israel following the Hamas attack, and that it will assist in all necessary ways to ensure that Israel can defend itself. He stated, "At this moment, we must be clear. We stand with Israel, and we want to ensure it has what it needs to allow its citizens to defend themselves and respond to this attack. The loss of human life is heart-wrenching, and every country has the right, and indeed the duty, to respond to such brutal attacks."

He noted his call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, "I told him that the United States expects a swift response." He also mentioned, "We discussed how the United States and Israel are stronger when we act according to the rule of law. We will respect the laws of war." He added, "We will continue to stand united in support of the Israeli people who have suffered, and we oppose hatred, violence, and terrorism."

Biden confirmed that his administration is in constant contact with officials in Israel and U.S. partners in the Middle East and around the world since the onset of this crisis. He said, "There is military assistance including interceptors and munitions to compensate for what the Iron Dome system has lost, and to ensure Israel has the resources to defend its citizens." He also mentioned, "My administration is consulting with Congress regarding this crisis, and when Congress returns, I urge it to take swift action to meet the needs of our partner."

Biden again warned "any country or organization considering exploiting the situation. Our hearts are broken, but our resolve is unbreakable." He continued, "The United States is bolstering its posture in the region to strengthen our deterrence, and the Department of Defense has moved a strike group including an aircraft carrier, and we stand ready to move additional assets if needed."

He assured that there is an enhancement of security in the United States by taking steps to protect Jewish lives, "and the FBI is working closely with our partners in the Jewish community to address any threats that may arise." Biden stated, "This is a moment for the United States to come together and mourn with those who mourn. There is no place for hate in the United States, neither hate for Jews nor Muslims nor anyone. We reject terrorism and condemn the evil that does not discriminate. This is what America represents."

Hamas, designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization, launched a surprise operation on Saturday inside Israel, resulting in the deaths of about 1,000 Israelis.

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