
Title: "Forces Respond to Bassil: It’s Your Ally Who Led Lebanon into Suicide Adventures"


The media office of the Lebanese Forces party responded to a statement by the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Jibran Bassil, who said, "We won’t allow the militia’s devilish mind to lead us into suicidal adventures as it did in the past during the Lebanese War." The party remarked, "We hoped that MP Bassil would have been clear and transparent and named who he was referring to, because it is his ally in the understanding document, Hezbollah, who has led the country into suicidal adventures, starting from the July 2006 war, to the war of October 8, 2023, and including the events of May 7, 2008."

The statement added: "Anyone listening to MP Bassil might momentarily think he is not an ally of Hezbollah militia and that he is not pleading for the continuation of the alliance with it, while the only disagreement he has with the party is due to adopting the nomination of former minister Sleiman Frangieh, and not because of its suicidal adventures, nor because it is a militia. He is fully ready to agree with the party on any candidate other than Frangieh, despite it being a militia that has dragged Lebanon into suicidal adventures. It is no secret that the aim of his posturing and stances is to cover up the crises he is facing within his own movement."

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