
Bahaa Hariri: I Did Not Come to Lebanon to Break Anyone

Bahaa Hariri: I Did Not Come to Lebanon to Break Anyone

Bahaa Rafiq Hariri affirmed, in front of personalities, stakeholders, and several delegations from Akkar who visited him at the "Gracias – Adbale" hotel, that "his principles are known and that he will not deviate from the path of the martyred President Rafiq Hariri and his project based on moderation, considering that Lebanon is a country of shared governance before being a country of shared living." He stated, "I did not come to Lebanon to break anyone, and my hand is extended for negotiations, but within my convictions and under the roof of my project without making any concessions or 'submitting' at the expense of my sect."

He added, "It is not true what is being circulated that we delayed entering the political arena; we have had our presence and activities for years, but the prevailing situation led us to decide to proceed cautiously and wisely for the success of our project, continuing my father's path in the right direction he aspired to achieve."

Hariri pointed out that "the reason he did not participate in the recent parliamentary elections was that the street was in a state of anger and confusion in decisions, which led us to be cautious and withdraw gradually." He apologized for "the mistakes made in the past period despite not being responsible for them."

He said, "Just as the martyred president focused on education in his project, I will focus on creating job opportunities to secure jobs for young people to live with dignity," asserting his belief "that people's love is food for the soul and heart. This is what I have seen from all of you, and therefore, I will be at your service, and we will work to solve any problem you may face, whether on a personal level or in state institutions. Our offices are open for you to communicate and find the required solutions, as we have experience in managing institutions at various levels, and what I say is sincere because my political project and my humanitarian-social project are two wings of a single bird. Therefore, we will give special attention to health issues, and we will try to pressure the state to correct its path."

Hariri considered that "we are living in a state of boiling due to the bad conditions we experience and the deliberate injustice inflicted upon the Sunni community." He joked, "I want to be in your hearts... and on your hearts."

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