
Houthis Announce Arrest of American-Israeli Espionage Network

Houthis Announce Arrest of American-Israeli Espionage Network

The Houthis announced today, Monday, the "arrest of an American-Israeli espionage network directly linked to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)." The Houthi security and intelligence agency stated in a communiqué: "With the grace and blessing of God, an American-Israeli espionage network has been apprehended," pointing out that "the American-Israeli spy network has conducted espionage and sabotage activities in official and unofficial institutions over decades in favor of the enemy."

The statement continued: "The American-Israeli espionage network is directly connected to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)... The network was equipped with technologies, devices, and special tools that enabled them to carry out their activities secretly." The security agency's statement added: "Elements of the American-Israeli espionage network and American officers exploited their official roles at the American embassy to carry out their sabotage activities," noting that "after the American embassy left Sana’a, the network continued to execute its sabotage agendas under the guise of international and UN organizations."

The statement further mentioned: "This significant achievement was realized by the grace of God and through great efforts and joint cooperation among various security agencies." The Houthis clarified that "the espionage and sabotage activities of the American-Israeli network extended to most aspects of life, and the repercussions of the network's destructive actions accumulated over decades."

The communiqué stated: "The American-Israeli espionage network was the main arm for executing the enemy's American and Israeli schemes in the Republic of Yemen," explaining that "the network provided hostile intelligence agencies with crucial information on various aspects of both the official and private sectors."

The security agency's statement indicated: "The espionage network managed for decades to influence decision-makers, infiltrate state authorities, and push through decisions and laws; the network recruited many personalities and coordinated their visits to the United States to influence and recruit them... the network enlisted economists and owners of oil and commercial companies and linked them to American and Israeli intelligence."

The Houthis asserted that this network "performed destructive and damaging roles in the agricultural sector, focusing on sabotaging agricultural research bodies and seed multiplication centers, and recruited several spies in the Ministry of Agriculture," adding: "The espionage network worked to implement American plans by producing and multiplying agricultural pests, and sought to execute projects and programs targeting the health sector that contribute to spreading diseases and epidemics in various Yemeni provinces... the American-Israeli espionage network executed destructive plans against the educational process and its intended role, separating education from building and development."

The communiqué continued: "The espionage network participated in implementing schemes targeting the spiritual identity of the Yemeni people and their values and original customs, and sought to promote vice and dissipation and manage centers for moral corruption."

The security agency also stated: "The espionage network conducted direct technical espionage operations for the enemy’s intelligence to obtain sovereign confidential information, and eavesdropped on the privacy of Yemeni society to harness it for its hostile schemes... the network had provided the CIA and the Israeli Mossad with military, security, highly significant, confidential, and dangerous information for decades... After the victory of the 'September 21 Revolution' and the departure of the American embassy from Sana’a, the network continued to carry out sabotage roles... the network gathered for American and Israeli intelligence limited-circulation information about the state’s general budget."

The Houthis concluded their statement: "The network compiled for American and Israeli intelligence the plans and policies adopted by the Salvation Government, sought to uncover funding sources for military fronts for hostile intelligence agencies, managed intelligence activities targeting the military and manufacturing capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces, and worked to monitor military movements and strategic capabilities, raising coordinates, and doing everything possible to achieve the enemy's objectives."

The Houthi security agencies confirmed that they "will reveal more details and information in the coming days and fulfill their responsibility to confront all conspiratorial projects."

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