
What are the Most Beneficial Leafy Vegetables for the Body?

What are the Most Beneficial Leafy Vegetables for the Body?

Leafy vegetables are high in dietary fiber, which helps individuals feel full when consumed. They also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Dr. Ekaterina Kashukh, a nutrition expert, lists the most beneficial vegetables for health and the correct ways to consume them.

According to her, parsley is the most beneficial because it has a high vitamin C content, three times more than oranges. It also contains vitamin K; consuming just 10 grams of parsley meets the body's daily requirement for this vitamin. She states, "Vitamin K helps with blood clotting and regulates the functioning of blood vessels and the heart." Additionally, parsley provides potassium, which supports kidney and adrenal gland function and strengthens bones, along with calcium, vitamin A, and beta carotene, which are beneficial for the eyes.

Dill is noted as one of the top five healthiest vegetables because it contains magnesium, calcium, iron, and vitamin C. She explains, "These elements speed up the healing process and help boost the immune system. Furthermore, dill aids in digesting heavy foods and helps eliminate excess cholesterol from the bloodstream, which is harmful to the heart and blood vessels. Dill also contains essential oils that positively affect the intestines and prevent spasms."

Green onions rank third in this list. They enhance the immune system and help prevent the consequences of colds. She points out, "Green onions are high in vitamin K and potassium, both essential for heart and blood vessel health, along with calcium and silicon, which are beneficial for bone health. They also contain a significant amount of cobalt, which aids in iron absorption and has a positive effect on memory."

According to her, arugula is in fourth place. This vegetable is rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are responsible for bone strength and heart rhythm regulation. Additionally, arugula contains folic acid, beneficial for pregnant women.

The expert ranks thyme fifth. Thyme contains potassium, calcium, manganese, and vitamins A, B, and C. It is used as a spice with fish, meat, and vegetables and serves as a primary ingredient in preparing drinks. Thyme also contains essential oils that help treat coughs and alleviate menstrual pain.

According to the expert, these vegetables and others can be used frozen, dried, or boiled, but it is preferable to consume them fresh.

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