
Qablan: The Resistance Has No Ambitions Except for Lebanon's Sovereignty

Qablan: The Resistance Has No Ambitions Except for Lebanon's Sovereignty

The distinguished Ja'fari Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Qablan addressed in a statement today "those who doubt the war on Lebanon's southern front": "The war on the southern front is fundamentally tied to Lebanon's regional interests, and Lebanon has no value without its regional interests. Strategic deterrence is part of Lebanon's supreme interests, and there can be no deterrence without war, and no sovereignty without war. Fighting for the region's interests is a national necessity, and this war is a salvational one, not merely a preemptive one. Those behind the Zionist wall cry for Israel, not for Lebanon, and their problem lies in the size of the American project they have engaged with. The blind spot in some people's minds places them on the wrong side of this war, which has no greater national sanctity. We say to them: the resistance is the rock of Lebanon's survival, and Lebanon's future is tied to the future of this most important war, as Lebanon's sovereignty is linked to the capabilities of the resistance and the size of its national arsenal that guarantees Lebanon's regional interests."

He added: "There can be no compromise on Lebanon's security and regional interests. The resistance's fight for Lebanon requires it to protect Lebanon's national and sovereign project, including strengthening the state's role, fostering national partnership, and cutting off the Zionist hand from Lebanon and its external and internal frameworks. Sovereign costs during wartime are an absolute necessity to ensure complete national sovereignty. The resistance in this war leads Lebanon toward sovereignty and independence that no one has dreamed of since Lebanon's historical inception. The resistance in this context pulls Lebanon from uncertainty and places it at the heart of regional sovereign power, which is the greatest calamity for Israel and its implicit partners. The Lebanese government's position is commendable and aligns with Lebanon's interests. For the record, any Israeli escalation will benefit the resistance rather than harm it. What happens in Gaza affects the security interests of Lebanon, and Lebanon’s resistance is closer to Gaza than America is to Israel. The resistance has no ambitions other than Lebanon’s sovereignty and national interests and its historical partnership. The interests of Lebanon's sects are part of this existential war, and the Christian national weight is rooted in Lebanon's history. The partnership of Christians with Imam Sadr's resistance choice is resounding, and the history of resistance is intrinsically linked to defending Lebanon's interests against the ambitions of Tel Aviv, not a history of partnership with Tel Aviv in the massacres of Lebanon. Everyone's interest lies in the resounding victory of the resistance, not in inciting against it."

He continued: "To some, we affirm that the era of Tel Aviv’s victories has ended, and counting on the resistance’s defeat is like counting on a mirage. With God's help, the resistance is moving from one victory to another, and with any open Israeli war, Israel should expect half a million rockets and a capacity for destruction that will set it back seventy years. It should be reminded here that the Zionist army, with all its armaments and reserves, could not defeat fighters armed with individual weapons for eight months in Gaza, and what awaits them in Lebanon is an arsenal of destruction, combat technology, horror, and a moment of revenge that Tel Aviv and its operators could not have imagined since its inception. The victory of the resistance is a victory for Lebanon, especially for the Christian sects. Lebanon has no value without its national Christians, and there can be no struggle at their expense nor sovereignty without their national interests. Around the region and worldwide, confidence in the resistance and its effectiveness is increasing, alongside rising anger and skepticism toward America and Israel. Some are required to be partners in Lebanon’s victory, not tools for Israel's defeat, and there is no greater political assassination of Lebanon than opposing the resistance and preventing a presidential settlement that befits the sacrifices of the southern front and their national costs."

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