
Suggestions from Opposition Deputies for Presidential Elections

Suggestions from Opposition Deputies for Presidential Elections

Opposition deputies held a press conference where they presented a roadmap for the presidential election. The statement issued by them reads: "Confirming the position of the opposition deputies regarding the presidential election, which includes a roadmap that could overcome obstacles before this constitutional entitlement, it may contribute to its completion, thus extricating Lebanon from the political paralysis it has suffered due to the ongoing disruption of state institutions. In light of the increasing dangers threatening Lebanon and the ongoing presidential vacancy due to a systematic obstruction of the election, the opposition deputies affirm their commitment to electing a president who fits this stage in Lebanon's history, according to constitutional mechanisms, and away from the entrenchment of any new norms outside the constitution that undermine the national agreement established in Taif, and undermine the principle of separation of powers; a president capable of representing Lebanon and its supreme interests in international forums and negotiations, a president who upholds the constitution and national sovereignty, works to implement international resolutions, and embodies the will of the majority of Lebanese people, not imposed by force against their will. The opposition deputies have never failed to attend any of the previous election sessions, both in presence and voting. They have moved, in their quest to find a way out of the fabricated presidential crisis, from their main candidate to a consensus candidate, and have expressed their openness to initiatives calling for consultation to guarantee an open electoral session through successive rounds, aligning with the efforts of the quintet committee and what it has expressed in its successive statements, since the first statement of its meeting in Doha, which outlined a roadmap to resolve the presidential crisis by urging deputies to adhere to their constitutional duty to elect a president for the country who embodies integrity, unifies the nation, and prioritizes Lebanon's interests. They also affirm that the responsibility and constitutional duty of the parliamentary council, as a representative of the Lebanese people, lies in electing the President of the Republic of Lebanon. Based on that, and from the standpoint of their commitment to conducting the presidential elections within the appropriate constitutional framework, without creating precedents or norms of any kind, the opposition deputies present to the Lebanese people and all parliamentary blocs their vision for a roadmap to achieve the presidential entitlement based on the following two practical proposals, as an urgent solution to stop the obstruction and save the country from its constitutional crisis:

**First Proposal:** Deputies meet in the parliamentary council to consult among themselves, without a formal invitation or institutionalization or a specific framework, to ensure respect for the rules related to the election of the President of the Republic as stipulated in the Lebanese constitution. The consultation duration should not exceed 48 hours, after which the deputies, regardless of the consultation results, shall proceed to an open electoral session through successive rounds until the election of the President of the Republic as stipulated in the constitution, without closing the session’s minutes, and all parties must commit to attending the rounds and ensuring quorum.

**Second Proposal:** The President of the Parliament calls for a session to elect the President of the Republic, which he shall preside over according to his constitutional powers. If no election occurs during the first round, the session remains open, and the deputies and blocs consult outside the hall for a maximum period of 48 hours, after which they return to the main hall for voting in successive rounds at a rate of 4 rounds daily, without interruption and without closing the session’s minutes until the election of the President of the Republic, and all parties must commit to attending the rounds and ensuring quorum."

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