
Title: "Cancer Control" - Mikati: This Issue is Our Highest Priority


Prime Minister Najib Mikati affirmed that "what is required from us all is to increase the awareness of the Lebanese about the importance of early detection and cancer prevention, and the necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding risk factors." He emphasized that "the government gives this issue the utmost priority and cooperates with all concerned parties to organize the process of obtaining necessary treatment within a plan that takes into account available resources and priorities in light of the numerous burdens and limited capabilities."

Health Minister Firas Al-Abiad confirmed that "the procedures of the Ministry of Public Health through unified health programs, safety, and medication tracking have helped rationalize spending and ensure that medication reaches those deserving it. Currently, the ministry is distributing medication to more than thirteen thousand cancer patients or those with terminal illnesses monthly, in addition to the hospitalizations and radiation treatments covered at its public or private hospitals."

The positions of the Prime Minister and the Health Minister were expressed during a meeting held by the Ministry of Public Health, under the auspices of the Prime Minister, at the Grand Serail today to review "the national plan for cancer control," which was launched on July 6, 2023. This is a five-year plan extending to 2028, incorporating all necessary dimensions to combat cancer. The annual review represents an important opportunity to strengthen the principles of accountability and transparency, as well as assess what has been implemented from the plan and its effectiveness.

Prime Minister Najib Mikati delivered a speech stating: "Exactly one year ago, we gathered here to announce a topic that concerns each one of us, which is cancer control, through the launch of the five-year national plan to combat cancer 2023-2028. Here we are again today for the first annual review of the national plan. It is well-known that cancer is one of the greatest health challenges we face in our current era and has become a leading cause of death worldwide, particularly in Lebanon."

He added: "What we can say in this regard is that we have witnessed advancements in cancer treatment and increased recovery rates, thanks to innovative therapies. Furthermore, modern techniques in early diagnosis allow for the detection of cancer at early stages, thereby increasing the chances of successful treatment."

He stated: "At the governmental level, we give this issue the utmost priority and collaborate with all concerned parties to organize the process of obtaining necessary treatment within a plan that considers available resources and priorities in light of the many burdens and limited capabilities. The ongoing cooperation between us and many concerned organizations and bodies helps us enhance the response operations to the many needs in this regard."

He emphasized: "What we all need to do is to raise the awareness of the Lebanese about the importance of early detection and cancer prevention and the necessity of adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding risk factors. It is also essential to teach individuals that they have significant power to influence their health and reduce the likelihood of developing cancer through simple steps such as proper nutrition, regular exercise, and refraining from smoking."

He concluded: "We wish everyone continued health and hope that, with God's permission, we can reduce the number of cases of this disease and ensure necessary treatments for all. We also wish the Ministry of Public Health and Minister Firas Al-Abiad success in implementing the national plan to achieve fairness in treatments and access to health services, and to increase our community's awareness to reduce the number of individuals afflicted by the disease."

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