
Netanyahu's Son Accuses Qatar of Being the Largest Sponsor of Terrorism After Iran

Netanyahu's Son Accuses Qatar of Being the Largest Sponsor of Terrorism After Iran

After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu previously criticized Qatar for its role in the ceasefire talks with Hamas, his son, Yair, has launched a fierce attack on Qatar, going so far as to accuse it of being the largest sponsor of terrorism after Iran. During a lecture in Miami, Yair Netanyahu harshly criticized Qatar, claiming it is the "largest state sponsor and funder of terrorism after Iran." He stated that Doha is behind anti-Israel protests at American universities.

Yair said, "You have another sponsor of terrorism, which is Qatar. It is a very rich country, which is why it gets the red carpet rolled out for it in Washington and New York, but for me, it is the second-largest terrorist in the world after Iran." He also added that Qatar is the largest donor to universities in the United States, where left-wing extremist organizations that protest against Israel are located.

This criticism comes amid crucial negotiations in which Qatar is serving as a primary mediator between Israel and Hamas regarding the situation of detainees in Gaza and a ceasefire agreement. A senior Qatari diplomat responded to Yair Netanyahu's remarks in a statement to "Walla," calling his words "lies and irresponsible nonsense." The diplomat added, "At this sensitive stage of negotiations, such statements will only complicate matters. These false claims will not relieve pressure on those who prefer to continue the war."

The Qatari diplomat also noted that Qatari humanitarian aid to Gaza has not been delivered directly, but always through Israel, emphasizing that "this aid has been under monitoring." He further stated that Yair Netanyahu's allegations about Qatar being the largest donor to American universities are also "false." The Qatari diplomat explained that Qatar's payments to American universities are donations aimed at covering the expenses of those universities' campuses in Qatar, confirming that "Qatar has no connection to the recent protests at American universities."

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