Moral Assassination

It is the worst type of assassination and the most destructive; it seeks to destroy the self and undermine morale, carrying negative effects on the targeted human entity. Moral assassination is not new to humanity; it is ancient and linked to the eternal conflict among humans for immediate benefits or anticipated advantages. Specialized agencies in various countries across continents have excelled in directing their poison toward their targets, by tarnishing reputations, selecting negative traits of the other party, highlighting them for the purpose of defaming, drawing attention to their negatives while denying their positives, all in clear contradiction to reality and truth, and a complete departure from objectivity and moral neutrality.

Modern technology and social media have contributed to empowering a vast number of followers to focus on such news and amplify it in a way that captivates the reader or viewer, pushing the subject immediately to the forefront of trending topics. Thus, we find ourselves in an unequal battle that is perhaps closer to a one-sided conversation. This has necessarily resulted in enabling a small group to control the minds of huge numbers of those enchanted by the excitement and voyeurism of others' news and secrets, exaggerating when reporting and spreading rumors and promoting them.

Many unfortunate events may have honorable protagonists, yet they fall victim to moral assassination. I have personally observed throughout my life the ability of some regimes and institutions in different countries to aim their arrows at individuals or entities on the opposing side, waiting to react and ultimately promoting a product that may be rotten amidst stagnant pools overflowing with hatred and enmity, directing negative discourse toward all parties while playing a role in coercing and intimidating, dragging the other party to the deepest depths.

Here are some observations:

Firstly, contemporary media possesses tools that were not available before and can portray a certain image of specific individuals and destroy particular ideas. Many times, we have seen the lights fade and the spotlight dim around a particular person or targeted group, making everyone realize that they have become outcasts and detested by the overwhelming majority. Woe to anyone who dares to step into the burning fire, even if it superficially appears to be friendly flames.

Secondly, inciting official institutions in any community against a particular person makes their life forfeit, their thoughts invalid, and their legitimacy incomplete. The greatest sorrow is for those who swim against the current, especially if they are right and find no one to listen or understand their viewpoint, considering that the court of public opinion has rendered its irrevocable verdict. Especially since it is said that "a bullet that doesn't hit is troublesome in all cases," and in many of these situations, logic is not appealed to, with everyone rushing behind the news without insight or scrutiny. At such times, justice disappears, wisdom is obscured, and random blows are dealt to those who deserve them and those who do not.

Thirdly, the wicked excel in fabricating accusations and distorting images, especially against those who have vacated their positions and left their powers. It seems we are condemned to welcome but not bid farewell, to carry incense for the arriving and distribute curses to the departing! This is, unfortunately, a inherited tradition in many societies that do not grasp the limits of objectivity and frameworks of justice, being enchanted by cries and blame, instead of showing those who leave the justice and balance they deserve. Personally, I have held many positions and found that those who were closest to me and most extravagant in praising me were often the farthest when I departed, and the most dangerous among them were those with toxins and distortions of the truth. It has been said, "Beware of your enemy once and beware of your friend a thousand times, for perhaps the friend will turn out to be more knowledgeable about the harm."

Fourthly, the term "bullying" is a new expression that has entered daily use, and in my opinion, bullying in its worst forms is that which seeks to destroy a certain individual’s character or engage in moral assassination of a single person. Each of us should place ourselves in the position of that targeted entity we aim to hit with stones, seeing in them the devil incarnate, so we realize the dangers of that moral killing for them, their family, and their close circle instead of adhering to the rule of law, justice, and allowing investigative authorities to proceed without the interference of public opinion or the buzz of interest groups awaiting false gains amid circumstances everyone knows are fraught with risks and complexities.

These words are sincere, free of personas and passions, aimed only at cleansing hearts and purifying atmospheres, as moral assassination has proliferated in our modern lives and has taken on multiple faces and methods. Personally, when I assumed any position, I was keen to defend my predecessors with respect and fairness because I believe that as you treat others, you will be treated in return. There is no value in shouting at those who have lost power and slandering them without a sense of conscience or a deterrent of ethics!

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