
Evacuation of a Building in Sidon

Evacuation of a Building in Sidon

The municipality of Sidon announced in a statement today, Saturday, the "results of the tasks conducted by the municipal police, emergency teams, and municipal workshops supported by the Solidarity Fund, which are overseen by the municipality, for the period from August 3 to August 9. On Wednesday, August 7, based on the mandate of the Governor of Southern Lebanon, Mansour Dhou, and the directives of the Mayor of Sidon, Dr. Hazem Khader Badi, a patrol from the municipal police, with support from security forces, evacuated the building located on property 1089 / Dakkerman – Riad al-Solh Street (Bader and Hamdan) from its occupants due to the risks of collapse caused by cracks, after final notices were issued about two months ago for their evacuation to ensure their safety. A report was filed by the Old Sidon Police station based on the indication of the competent judiciary, and the restoration process will begin after the evacuation is completed. Patrols from the municipal police, emergency teams, and workshops removed violations, including advertising boards and iron and concrete protrusions placed in the streets and sidewalks and in front of several shops, buildings, and facilities in the commercial market and Riad al-Solh Street, Rafik Hariri Boulevard, and President Adil Asiran Street. Drainage maintenance was also carried out in the streets accompanied by a cleanup campaign to remove remnants of weeds, cut trees, waste, and more, especially in the Qiyaa area – Nafi’a, reaching the Sharhabil intersection heading towards the Haj Bahauddin Hariri Mosque in the Makser al-Abed area, then Riad al-Solh Street. The campaign will continue in the coming days in various neighborhoods."

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