Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev stated today, Wednesday, that "Ukraine's incursion into the Kursk region means that there will be no talks between Moscow and Kyiv until Ukraine is completely defeated." He mentioned on the messaging app Telegram: "The empty chatter of intermediaries who were not authorized to establish a wonderful peace has ended. Everyone understands everything now, even if they do not express it explicitly." He added, "There will be no negotiations until the enemy is completely defeated."
Medvedev warned against falling into what he termed a "negotiation trap" with Ukraine, referring to the unnecessary early peace talks proposed by the international community. He continued in his Telegram post: "I see that we face one danger recently, which is the negotiation trap that our country could fall into under certain circumstances. Specifically, the unnecessary early peace negotiations proposed by the international community and imposed on the Kyiv regime, with unclear prospects and consequences," according to the Russian news site Sputnik. He concluded, "Everything has settled in its right place after the neo-Nazis committed a terrorist act in the Kursk region, thus silencing the idle chatter of unauthorized intermediaries about the wonderful world. Everyone now understands everything, even if they do not say it out loud. Everyone understands now that there will be no more negotiations until the enemy is completely defeated!"