
Zarif: Announces Agreement on Mechanism to Recover Iranian Assets Held in Seoul

Zarif: Announces Agreement on Mechanism to Recover Iranian Assets Held in Seoul

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced the "reaching of an agreement with South Korea on a mechanism to recover the Iranian assets held in Seoul."

According to the Iranian news agency "IRNA," Zarif stated, while providing an explanation regarding the Iranian assets held in South Korea, that "the South Korean foreign minister invited him to discuss these assets, and the talks took place last week, where the South Korean minister confirmed he would do everything possible to pursue the matter in order to reach a result." He clarified that "a mechanism to recover these assets has been agreed upon; however, it seems that South Korea has not taken the necessary licenses for the crisis, so it claims to be following up on the matter." Zarif continued that "Iran considers obtaining licenses from the Americans unnecessary, but the South Korean side is working to obtain them to release the Iranian assets." Last month, South Korea announced that "any release of the frozen Iranian funds in its possession will be after consultations with the United States," following an agreement between Tehran and Seoul on how to use the frozen Iranian funds in Korean banks, amounting to about 7 billion dollars.

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