
Infections Reach 175 Million and Deaths 4 Million.. Iraq Leads Arab Countries

Infections Reach 175 Million and Deaths 4 Million.. Iraq Leads Arab Countries

Despite nearly 2.25 billion people being vaccinated worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus, continues to advance and infect more people globally. According to the latest statistics on COVID-19 infections worldwide, the number of infected individuals has risen to nearly 175 million, while deaths from the pandemic have reached about 4 million. According to figures reported by the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Observatory, the total number of infected worldwide is 174,771,133, with 3,769,494 fatalities.

Infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were identified in China in December 2019, according to Reuters. India continues to report large numbers of infections and deaths, with the Indian Ministry of Health announcing today, Friday, that there were 91,702 new COVID-19 cases and 3,403 deaths in the past 24 hours. According to data from the Indian Ministry of Health, the total number of COVID-19 infections in India has risen to 29.3 million, while the total number of deaths reached 36,3079.

The United States leads in COVID-19 infections and deaths, with 33,574,904 cases reported so far, including 598,642 deaths. Brazil ranks third in terms of infections and second in deaths, with 17,122,877 cases and 479,515 deaths. In Europe, France leads in infections and is the fourth globally, having reported 5,725,492 COVID-19 cases, with 110,202 deaths recorded.

In the Arab world, Iraq is still at the top in terms of infections, having reported 1,242,540 cases of the virus as of yesterday, Thursday, with 16,648 deaths. Jordan follows in second place, with infections rising to 742,178, including 9,570 deaths.

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