5 Measures to Prevent Electronic Fraud

The UAE Ministry of Interior has warned against electronic fraud crimes, emphasizing that a single click from the victim can put their information and properties at risk. It has outlined five measures to prevent these crimes:

1. Do not pay attention to misleading and deceptive messages via phone, email, websites, chat applications, or social media.

2. Do not disclose personal, banking, and financial information or passwords.

3. Ensure that banking accounts are used securely and fully logged out after use.

4. Do not provide any financial or personal information except through recognized methods.

5. Quickly report any incidents of electronic fraud.

The ministry explained that penalties for cyber and information technology crimes include imprisonment and financial fines, according to Federal Law No. 5 of 2012.

Furthermore, the Digital Government of Abu Dhabi has warned about ransomware viruses, which are malicious software that prevents users from using their computers or accessing specific files unless a ransom is paid, often encrypting files so that users cannot open them.

Individuals are advised to update their antivirus and firewall software regardless of how cautious they are while browsing the internet, and to use a VPN to maintain privacy by encrypting data before it reaches the internet. This technology sends encrypted data to a VPN server, which decrypts the requests before sending them to their online destination.

Abu Dhabi Police has also cautioned families to be careful when subscribing to or purchasing electronic games for their children online, advising not to disclose credit card details to maintain confidentiality. It is recommended to buy through trusted sites that apply secure protocols and to use a payment card with a limited balance to avoid fraud and hacking, which can lead to monthly deductions from banking cards.

Families are urged to increase supervision of children during vacation periods, ensuring they do not lose track of them and protecting them from potential extortion and abuse via the internet, social media, and games, including bullying, threats, harassment, and coaxing them into sharing their photos and information or involving them in unethical activities.

The police called on the community to remain vigilant when interacting with online gaming sites favored by children and teenagers, as these sites can drain money to complete game levels, putting pressure on parents and posing risks of accessing banking information.

It is essential not to engage withfake and untrustworthy online stores that may lure customers into scams by stealing their money through banking cards or accounts.

**Service "Aman"**

Abu Dhabi Police offers the "Aman" service, which operates around the clock, allowing community members to contribute to preventing crimes before they occur confidentially through available communication channels, such as the toll-free number 8002626 (AMAN2626), by text message (2828), by email (aman@adpolice.gov.ae), or through the smart application of the Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters.

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