
Title: Video: Spectator Causes "One of the Worst" Bicycle Race Accidents in France

Title: Video: Spectator Causes

A spectator caused "one of the worst" accidents in bicycle racing in France due to a sign she held up during the Tour de France on Saturday, leading officials to pursue legal action against her. The spectator, believed to be German, raised a sign towards the television cameras at the start of the first stage of the race while facing away from the incoming cyclists, seemingly oblivious to them.

Immediately, she collided with German cyclist Tony Martin, who lost his balance and subsequently crashed into other riders in the race, with players falling onto the track and pavement. According to the Daily Mail, 21 cyclists and spectators were injured in the incident, while the police are searching for the spectator who appears to have fled the scene.

Pierre-Yves Thou, one of the race officials, stated to AFP: "We will sue this woman who acted so irresponsibly... We are doing this so that the small minority of people do not spoil the event for everyone." The Daily Mail reported that the fleeing woman could face a penalty of up to one year in prison "for deliberately violating safety regulations."

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