Many people turn to low-fat or fat-free yogurt to avoid weight gain, believing it is healthier for them. However, whole milk yogurt often tastes better, not to mention the numerous benefits it offers the body. Here are the main points according to the Huffington Post:
**Whole Milk Yogurt Tends to Contain Less Sugar**
Fat was not an enemy of American diets until 1977, when the government began promoting low-fat diets, leading to the mass production of low-fat products in the 1980s. This anti-fat craze stemmed from the belief that saturated fats were directly linked to heart disease. However, recent research has shown that this is not necessarily the case. Nutritionist Rahaf Bouji explained, “People often fear whole milk yogurt due to its saturated fat content and the risk of increased bad cholesterol levels. However, research in this area is inconclusive and evolving, with a range of evidence suggesting a protective effect of full-fat dairy products on cardiovascular diseases and the risk of diabetes.” Bouji pointed out that low-fat yogurt sometimes contains a higher sugar content to compensate for the reduced fat, which can lead to dissatisfaction (potentially leading to more sugar being added).
**Whole Milk Yogurt is Less Likely to Cause Blood Sugar Spikes**
When consuming whole milk yogurt instead of flavored varieties that may contain more sugar, you are less likely to experience a spike in blood sugar levels. Registered dietitian Lauren Sharp from Philadelphia stated, “If you are eating flavored yogurt, it can cause a greater increase in blood sugar, leading to a crash later.” Although there are many yogurt options at the grocery store, some types will keep you feeling full much longer than others. After a blood sugar spike, people are more likely to crave the nearest snacks. Instead of flavored yogurt, consider adding a little honey or some fresh fruit to plain yogurt. It is important to note that even plain whole milk yogurt contains sugar, as one cup of milk has about 12 grams of natural lactose, regardless of whether it's a cup of dairy products, yogurt, or milk.
**Whole Milk Yogurt Keeps You Satiated Longer**
Another benefit of consuming yogurt made from whole milk is that you are likely to feel full longer than when eating low-fat or fat-free yogurt. A cup of plain Greek yogurt can provide up to 20 grams of protein per serving, so you truly get a lot of protein.
**Whole Milk Yogurt Tastes Better**
As one researcher at Stanford University found, it may be easier to make nutritious food choices when you eat something that tastes delicious. Whole milk yogurt is rich, tasty, versatile, and nutritious. Nutritionally, whole milk yogurt is not much different from regular low-fat or fat-free yogurt; it has the same amount of protein and probiotics. However, the fat content in whole milk yogurt makes you less likely to reach for fast food later.