
Strange Invention: A Straw That Stops Hiccups

Strange Invention: A Straw That Stops Hiccups

Hiccups have often put us in embarrassing situations, with many rumors about remedies like drinking cold water, biting on a lemon, or even holding your breath. The Canadian Family Physician magazine features a series of more drastic treatments, including inhaling pepper to induce sneezing or drinking vinegar.

However, help may now be at hand thanks to a doctor from Texas, who was inspired by watching his son try to drink a mix of milkshake and ice cream through a straw, as reported by the British newspaper "Telegraph." Dr. Ali Seifi, an assistant professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, invented the HiccAway - officially known as the "Forced Sipping and Swallowing Device."

The device sells for $14 and consists of a straw with a special mouthpiece on one end and a pressure valve on the other. Hiccups are repeated contractions of the diaphragm, accompanied by the "hic" sound from the vocal cords closing simultaneously. Drinking water through the straw mimics the effect of trying to drink a thick milkshake, stimulating the phrenic and vagus nerves responsible for hiccups, allowing the brain to reset.

Positive Results

Dr. Seifi stated that the device works immediately and the effects last for several hours. In a test involving 249 people, 90% of those who experienced hiccups reported that the straw improved their condition and alleviated symptoms. The vast majority also said the device provided better results than other methods and was more convenient. Additionally, customer reviews on Amazon, where the device is sold, were encouraging, with 69% giving it five stars.

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