Arab World

First Friday Prayer at the Afghan Refugee Site in Doha: Assistant Foreign Minister Shares a Touching Moment

First Friday Prayer at the Afghan Refugee Site in Doha: Assistant Foreign Minister Shares a Touching Moment

Her Excellency Ms. Lolwa al-Khater, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and spokesperson for the ministry, shared a video on her official Twitter account of the first Friday prayer at the Afghan refugee site in Doha. She spoke about a moving moment involving the Afghan brothers who arrived in Doha, noting that their first question was about the Quran and prayer mat. In her tweet commenting on the video, she stated: "Many of our brothers and sisters from Afghanistan arrived in the clothes they were wearing, but what moved us the most was that most of them first asked about the Quran and prayer mat. Thanks be to God, the first Friday prayer was held today at their location."

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