Moscow to Washington: You Will Pay the Price

The spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, reminded that Moscow has repeatedly warned Washington about the consequences of its decision to impose sanctions. In a press briefing on Thursday, she stated that her country has warned the United States numerous times about the repercussions of its aggressive actions, which significantly increase the level of confrontation between the two countries, stressing that the responsibility for what happens in relations with Russia lies entirely with America. She also pointed out that Washington must realize that it will pay a price for the deterioration of bilateral relations.

On Thursday, the United States announced the imposition of sanctions on Moscow, including the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats in the wake of interference in the previous presidential election. The U.S. Treasury Department stated in a statement that the goal of the sanctions is to create opportunities for cooperation with Russia in line with American interests, confirming that more sanctions will be imposed should Moscow threaten global stability, according to the statement. It also emphasized that it would act firmly in response to any Russian action that harms America or its allies, noting that the sanctions will ensure a reduction of Russia's malign activities in the future. Additionally, it revealed that the new sanctions were imposed on Russia concerning Crimea and were coordinated with Western allies, according to the statement.

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